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  1. HOME > Product > Neurosurgery > Suction tube for the brain (suction needle)
2 handle 9 head controllable suction tube
  • 2 handle 9 head controllable suction tube

2 handle 9 head controllable suction tube

In the surgical operation, the blood and tissues and the body fluid that attract the operation site are easy to be exposed;..

ZF879RNControllable brain suction tube2 handles, 9 heads, one set
ZF967RNControllable brain suction tubeStraight, 2 handle, 9 head controllable suction pipe handle
ZF978RNControllable brain suction tubeBend, 2 handle, 9 head controllable suction pipe handle
ZF968RNControllable brain suction tubeФ1.2, 2 handle 9 head controllable suction tube
ZF969RNControllable brain suction tubeФ1.5, 2 handle 9 head controllable suction tube
ZF970RNControllable brain suction tubeФ2,2 handle 9 head controllable suction tube
ZF971RNControllable brain suction tubeФ2.5,2 handle 9 head controllable suction tube
ZF972RNControllable brain suction tubeФ3,2 handle 9 head controllable suction tube
ZF973RNControllable brain suction tubeФ3.5,2 handle 9 head controllable suction tube
ZF974RNControllable brain suction tubeФ4,2 handle 9 head controllable suction tube
ZF975RNControllable brain suction tubeФ4.5,2 handle 9 head controllable suction tube
ZF976RNControllable brain suction tubeФ5,2 handle 9 head controllable suction tube